Horses are intelligent beasts that require secure and spacious environments to thrive. Choosing the right fencing is essential for their safety, containment and happiness.
Deciding on a fence for your horse paddock is one that should not be taken lightly. So why is fencing so important?
Safety is a big one. Horses are very large and have incredible power. They can injure themselves or other animals and people if they are not controlled. A well-designed fence with property materials reduces the risk of accidents. A visible and strong fence from In-Line Fence can withstand the wear that horses will give it and be seen by horses while they’re at play.
In-Line’s Selection of Fencing for Your Equine Facility
When looking at your fence options, any horse professional knows that you must prioritize safety, durability and suitability. Here are the most common options that In-Line focuses on:
Wooden Fencing for Horses
This is your traditional and most attractive option for your equine friends. In-Line’s wooden fences are strong and highly visible, making them perfect for horse paddocks. They do require regular maintenance to ensure long lifespans, but they are well worth the investment.
Woven Wire Fencing with a Wooden Top Rail
This more affordable option prevents horses from putting their heads through the fence, reducing injury risks, while the top rail adds visibility for horses. Horses need highly visible fencing to avoid running into them.

Paddock Fence Design Elements to Keep in Mind
Horses can jump – and reach high heights. Fences for horses should be over 4.5 feet tall to prevent horses from attempting to jump heights and to reduce injuries. In-Line’s horse fencing team will help to show you the spacing that wood boards should be to avoid horses sticking their heads through gaps.
Although on paper, it’s tempting to choose cheap fencing, in reality, horses can break through thin wood and cause incredible damage. Ensure the fence is made of high-strength wood and can withstand a horse leaning or pushing against it without breaking.

Why Choose In-Line Fence for Paddock Fencing?
At In-Line Fence, we get horse owners. Our team specializes in creating safe, durable and visually appealing fencing solutions tailored to your property and your horses.
Your horses deserve the best because they are the best! Trust In-Line Fence today.