Your property is more than just a piece of land – it’s where you create and care for spaces that provide for you and your family.

In-Line’s wood board fences, with their timeless charm and sturdy construction, enhance the value of your property by offering the perfect blend of privacy, security, beauty and long-lasting value.

Wood Board Fences Offer Ultimate Privacy

Privacy is paramount for all Ontarians, especially in today’s world where our home is our one final safe haven.

Here’s why Ontario’s residents, farmers and business owners are choosing wood board fences:

Strong construction – Solid white oak or spruce wood creates a barrier that keeps intruders off your property. They provide the peace and quiet you deserve within your property boundaries.
Height options – In-Line Fence offers board fences in various heights with three- or four-board options, allowing you to customize the level of privacy you desire. Whether you want a low fence for a gentle boundary or a towering fortress to protect your solitude, we’ve got you covered.
No sightlines – Depending on how you wish your wood board fence laid out, you can choose a solution with no gaps. This means your privacy is preserved without compromise, ensuring that your outdoor space truly feels like an extension of your home.
Enhanced outdoor spaces – With a wood board fence, your outdoor spaces become oases of tranquillity. You can enjoy family gatherings, quiet moments or a morning coffee without worrying about prying eyes.

Wood Board Fences Also Provide Security

Safety of your personal property is crucial, and wood board fences provide more than just privacy! In-Line’s wood fences offer protection for your property:
Deterrent to intruders – Wood board fences send a clear message to potential intruders that your property is off-limits. Their solid structure is not only visually stopping potential thieves, but can be difficult to scale.
Property boundaries – Well-defined property boundaries help prevent disputes with neighbours. A wood fence from In-Line Fence ensures everyone knows where your land begins and ends, with style!
Animal control – Whether you’re protecting your garden from wild animals or ensuring the safety of your pets and children, board fences provide a reliable barrier against unwanted intrusions.
Wind and weather protection – Here in Ontario, we’re no strangers to harsh weather conditions. A sturdy board fence can act as a windbreak, protecting your property and possessions from strong winds and heavy snow.

Wood Board Fences Will Increase Your Property Value

The benefits of board fences extend beyond privacy and security; they also add value to your home. Here’s how:
Curb appeal – Board fences enhance the look of your property. Their rustic charm and classic look can instantly boost your home’s curb appeal, making it more attractive to potential buyers.
Increased marketability – In a competitive real estate market, a well-maintained board fence can make your property stand out. It becomes a selling point that sets your home apart from the rest.
Higher resale value – When you invest in a board fence from In-Line Fence, you’re investing in your home’s future resale value. Potential buyers often appreciate the security and privacy a board fence provides.
Versatile aesthetics – In-Line’s fences are highly customizable, allowing you to choose the wood type, paint or stain colour that matches your personal style. This versatility enhances your property’s look and appeal.

Wood Board Fencing is a Long-Lasting Upgrade

When you trust In-Line Fence’s solid wood board fencing, you won’t need to worry about replacing your fence for a very long time.

How does wood board fencing offer Ontario property owners the best value?
Quality materials – We use only the finest Canadian wood, known for its durability and resistance to our challenging climate. Our board fences are built to withstand the test of time.
Expert installation – Our skilled professionals ensure that your board fence is installed securely, adhering to the highest standards of craftsmanship. This guarantees both longevity and functionality.
Low maintenance – While board fences do require maintenance, our team can provide guidance on proper care, ensuring your fence stays in excellent condition for years to come.

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Wood Board Fences Could Be the Right Option for You

In-Line Fence is your partner in increasing your home’s value and beauty by installing top-quality board fences that offer privacy, security, and lasting beauty. We understand the unique needs of Canadian homeowners and businesses, and are committed to helping you create the perfect sanctuary on your property.

Contact us today to explore our board fence options and take the first step toward adding value, privacy, and security to your home.